Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Best Photos of June 10th

Meredith trying to keep us drunk junior high wanna-bees on task.
Melissa enjoying a bar of heaven.
(Tahnee is officially the Queen of Book Club Desserts)

Things Shelley loves: Haagen Daz, Toe Art and Book Club


Anonymous said...

Where are the picture's of Emily and Vicki???

Hilo Sexy Readers Book Club said...

As the photographer and blog poster I guess I get the artistic privilege to omit myself! HAH! I do feel badly about no Vicki shots tho...The dilemma was that I'm in all the pics with Vicki!!

Anonymous said...

well em, it sounds like you will have to post a couple of pics of yourself...leaving out the bartender doesn't bode well for the next book club!