As we gathered at Vicki's for book club, I think I wasn't the only one who was excited that we would be discussing such a terrific book - The Book Thief. It was well written, thought provoking, creative, great characters, and educational. Meredith is going to be teaching it to her class of talented and gifted students. What lucky kiddos. The characters of Rosa and Hans Huberman, Max, and Rudy will stay with us. There were mixed thoughts about how the book ended, but we all admitted to wishing that Liesel had been able to give Rudy his long awaited kiss...
We munched on pizza and sipped a combo of Sangria and Chardonnay. (FYI for future creative potluckers, other than myself the group does not seem to be a fan of blue cheese.) There was no hummus at this month's meeting.
Vicki was dying for us to go outside for the breeze, but we were all so busy chatting about the book (some of us also were chatting about What's the What, another goodie!).

But after our yummy angel food cake with fresh blueberries (Melissa stepped up in Tahnee's place with a refreshing and light dessert), we finally went outside and began to discuss the book (and member) nominations.
Our Decisions
New members: Katie (nominated by Meredith) and Rebecca (nominated by Emily). These were no brainers compared to selecting the next book.

Nominated by not chosen:
- The Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingslover
- The River by Alice Hoffman
- An Unfinished Life by Mark Spragg (also made into a movie starring JLo)
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- A book nominated by Kim that we decided to call Omar Mysteries.
Next Book Club: Sunday, September 14th at 11:00, in Volcano at Kim's